2009, year of the ROI?

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When asked what would impact their work more in the coming 2-3 years, professionals polled Turing EIBTM by Grupo eventoplus for the EIBTM Show Daily with 174 professionals (35% providers, 42% agencies, 23% clients) place ROI on the top of the list with 43% considering ROI will impact their work strongly. It is followed by increasing use of technology (40%), and budget cuts (37%). Sadly, CSR and green meetings are near the bottom of the list.
The other topic analysed was the opinion of professionals of the need for new meeting formats, following initiatives like Maarten Vanneste´s Meeting Architecture. More than 52% of professionals consider that innovating in meeting formats and dedicating more attention to content is “absolutely necessary”. 2009… year of the ROI or year of Meeting Architecture?