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How do you want the public to perceive Cointreau?
Cointreau is an old brand that now wants to renew its image with a strong communication strategy based on two concepts: femininity and glamour. We wanted to do something new related with our brand, and we decided to place women at the centre. No other brand has done an exclusive campaign only for them.
In a market survey, we discovered the favourite cocktails of women (most of all are made with Cointreau) such as cosmopolitan and mojito. The only difference was that in the USA they prefer dry cocktails and in Europe sweet ones, so to introduce the new chic idea by Cointreau in Europe, we adapt the cosmopolitan cocktail, which is drier, to European tastes (taking off the vodka) and we created… the Cointreaupolitan! The aim was introduce this cocktail for glamorous clubs and pubs. We created fashionable pinks cocktail shakers to “democratise the cocktail” and promote the brand in clubs and pubs.
To be Cointreauversial, is the centre of your communications campaign. What does it means?
Working women have two sides, two personalities. On the professional one, where they are like men and forget her femininity, and on the side we called “Cointreauversial”, they are more feminine and natural, more themselves.
Dita Von Teese is the Cointreau image. What does she symbolises?
She symbolises the entire Cointreau concept. She is a multifaceted artist, very “cointreauversial”, very sensual and feminine. One of the most famous artistic activities is her striptease which is made with glamour and good taste.
You organise The Ladies Nights Parties, glamorous parties only for women. What is the aim of these parties?
Our idea is for women to relax and have fun. In Spain, this kind of women parties is not very common, so we decided to bring in this The Ladies night concept. We have already done two parties in Madrid with success.
Will you organise more parties in other Spanish cities?
Yes, we will. We want to have some more in Spain, but at the moment we will start in Barcelona and then will see… The most important thing for us is the event’s quality not the quantity.
What other types of events do you do? Other below-the-line actions?
We are just starting in the Spanish event world. Our aim is that pubs and clubs start doing this kind of parties without us, but with our products. We have agreements with Spanish nightclubs where we make six parties a week and sell the cocktail: “Cointreaupolitan”. One of our actions in these parties is the Flower Attack. A Cointreau guy hands out a rose to ladies who have bought a “Cointreaupolitan”.
What is the events role into de brand success? Is it growing up its value in your global marketing strategy?
We have sponsored many events but we haven’t done any of them. Now, with our new image, the event will become a strong weapon. Three years ago, we opened a temporary bar, only for the summer, in a Brussels attic with big success. We have also done events in New York with Dita Von Teese.
Are you working with agencies?
We are new organising events and we always work with agencies which help us in Europe and in USA. We also have our own agency in Spain.
How it would be a perfect event, for you?
Is one of those events which you will always remember. That is why Cointreau wants to do something different in Spain: to be remembered.
Does the economic situation affect your business communication?
People go out less than before because of “the crisis”, and this obviously affects us in the sales, but we have just started a very powerful communication campaign and will continue with it because it is the way people know and remember you. The most important thing is not do more parties, is do the best parties.