Produce an effective audiovisual

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Currently, 90 per cent of events are supported by an audiovisual presentation. Here are some tips to transmit your message to your audience in the most effective and creative way. The key is to connect emotionally with people.
Transmit messages clearly
Audiovisual communication is a basic support in the majority of events. An effective audiovisual grabs attention and keep interest and communicate a message. To begin, you should already have defined what you want to communicate and the goals of the message. People are being bombarded constantly with sales messages and are no longer easily surprised and entertained. Tell your audience the truth and be straightforward and they will give you their attention.
Tell a story
Tell your audience a story, take them on a journey. The traditional beginning-middle-end structure is still very effective and helps them to follow the message easily. Do not tell people about your corporate numbers and also do not hide factual evidence with pretty graphics and animation. The message should be free-flowing and connect with your audience at an emotional level. Video captures emotion unlike any other medium. Use it accordingly. Keep your charts, PDF’s and spreadsheets away from video.
Be passionate
If you don’t really care about your message, your audience won’t either. Put people who are truly passionate about your message in front of the camera. They can be either customers or team members—or better yet, both. The more diverse, the better. The best people to speak about any topic are those who are closest to it. Your customers, users and team members are the people who will give you the most honest and sincere answers—and your audience will respond to them. Your customers can tell your story, too. Get real people to tell the truth and your audience will remember your message.
Creativity is one of the keys to avoid sending out boring messages. Audiences hear narrators all day long. Your message needs to be delivered spontaneously —try an interview format with real people answering questions, for example. You’ll need to take some extra time to edit the answers, but you’ll learn things about your message that you never realized and your audience will see that real people believe in this—not just professional narrators.
Â…and quality
To deliver a creative and effective message, hire experienced professionals. Find a producer who understands exactly what you are trying to accomplish and who can share his know-how and experience with you, as well as understand the goals you want to achieve.
Give it rhythm!
Content can be very interesting and delivery can be very creative. ButÂ… rhythm is also key to avoid a bored audience. Every 30 seconds change your pace, rhythm, content. Create new "chapters" with new ideas or themes. Change the music, too. You can make your ten-minute film feel like a breeze with this trick.
People forget
Don’t forget that people will forget what you say and they’ll forget what you do. There is one way to make an audience remember—by connecting with them emotionally. If you can connect emotionally to your audience, there’s a better chance of them remembering you and your message. Make your message produce conversations, ignite action, make them think harderÂ… and differently.