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Palacio Municipal

Organise your event in Palacio Municipal

Maximum capacity 2 pax

Relevant information


Contact person: Belén Mann

Av. Partenón, Nº 5, Madrid, Madrid

Your event space in Madrid

This cutting-edge construction comprises more than 30,000 m2 of usable space and has an auditorium with a capacity for 1,812, a multi-purpose room of 2,414 m2 and thirty-two rooms of different capacities, ranging from 26 to 360 people. It also has its own parking

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Ask for a quotation

If you need a space for events in Madrid pide request a quote from Palacio Municipal, complete the following form so they can get in touch with you and assist with your event.

Maximum capacity 2 pax

Location Madrid

The building is structured into three large blocks. Both the left and the right wings have meeting rooms for 20 to 350 people on the 1st, 2nd and 4th floors. The central area called Multi-purpose Space located on the 3rd, floor is mainly used for commercial exhibitions and catering services. Located on the ground floor, at the main entrance to the Palace, is Auditorium A, renovated in August 2019 and which has 1812 seats. In the vestibules of this main entrance we have additional space for commercial exhibition, catering services and other uses.

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