There is no doubt that there are advantages to having celebrities at events. They attract media attention, can drive ticket sales, help secure sponsors ...
Invitations not only present the first impression about your event but also give ...
An online solution can enable potential exhibitors, attendees, the show manager a ...
Looking for cost-saving tips? Here are some professional tips to help you do just ...
From techniques to atmosphere to technology, planners must adapt to the current environment to maximize results for attendees and their organizations.
An important marketing decision is in deciding whether to use a Push strategy, a ...
Pick a mountain, reserve a room block and send meeting-goers out to the slopes - ...
A cruise meeting offers an alternative way to meet, having at hand a venue, leisu ...
Becoming a great meeting planner is not easy. Those who succeed do so by enduring myriad sacrifices, challenges and by integrating critical behaviours into their skill sets. Success takes planning!
The communication and promotion before a trade show constitute a determining factor for the success or failure ...
Is your company going through an international expansion? Are you finding new opportunities to participate in i ...
Decoration can be a significant cost for your events. Here are 10 ways how you can keep the costs low and not sacrificing too much on decoration. 1. Th ...
Journalists are so used to going to events that some efforts may be required to g ...
A trade show takes months to prepare, few days to develop itself and a few years ...
Multinational meetings mix languages and cultures, which can create difficulties. ...
One of the most controversial aspect of participating in a trade fair is the measurement of the results obtained by the exhibitor. Many marketing and communication executives ask themselves what is the return of the trade fair investment. This is a critical question and bring valuable information that allow us to: – Ev ...
Events with personalities require perfect protocol. Here is a brief explanation o ...
Protocol is converting into a key communication tool for the company. Here are a ...
Professional trade shows are valuable marketing instrument that require a profess ...