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IBTM World Barcelona launches enhanced safety protocol ahead of in-person event
ALL · Barcelona

IBTM World Barcelona launches enhanced safety protocol ahead of in-person event

For the fair, November 30 to December 2 at Fira Barcelona, ​​a security protocol has been drawn up that includes the obligation to wear masks during the event and maintain a social distance of 1.5m as stipulated by regulations Spanish right now. Exhibitors are asked to incorporate this requirement into their booth design tha ...

52,000 people enjoy a historic Cruilla festival
ALL · Barcelona

52,000 people enjoy a historic Cruilla festival

With a capacity of 25,000 people per day (not far from the usual number of 30,000), the Barcelona festival has summed up 52,000 attendees over three days, a figure that makes it the musical event with the largest audience in Spain and one of the largest in Europe. A successful bet for a company led by Jordi Herreruela that h ...

New survey of European Convention Bureaus shows post-pandemic optimism

New survey of European Convention Bureaus shows post-pandemic optimism

A survey of 134 convention bureaus in 33 European countries, by Dr Rob Davidson of MICE Knowledge, showed that 1 in 4 of these destination marketing organisations have had reductions in staff levels, and 1 in 3 have suffered cuts in their public sector funding since the beginning of the pandemic. 75% of convention bureaus de ...
