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“Shake it, Shake it” by Sony Ericsson

“Shake it, Shake it” by Sony Ericsson

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Sony Ericsson produced last 28th November a street marketing action on the main metro, and RENFE stations, streets and shops in Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia. Based on the concept “Shake it”, the action aimed to generate awareness on the innovative functionalities of the mobile Sony Ericsson Walkman® W910i, whose peculiarity is that it changes music […]

Sony Ericsson produced last 28th November a street marketing action on the main metro, and RENFE stations, streets and shops in Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia. Based on the concept “Shake it”, the action aimed to generate awareness on the innovative functionalities of the mobile Sony Ericsson Walkman® W910i, whose peculiarity is that it changes music with a simple “Shake” or jolt through his Shake Control. This action was developed by Brand Entertainment’s agency, Action4 Ativism. A convertible Cadillac with a team of four hip-hop dancers were on the streets interacting with the passer-bys.

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