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Yeti, with the collaboration of the universities Alfonso X El Sabio of Madrid and La Salle Ramon Llull of Barcelona, has highlighted the results of the second edition of “The Emotional Capital in the Spanish company” study.
This study, whose first edition was held in 2006, provides a measure of the emotional capital of the company, namely, the degree of emotional attachment that employees and consumers have with the company and its brands. The study sample included 100 companies, the vast majority located among the top 300 largest companies in Spain.
Some of the key findings:
– 62% of executives think their brands satisfy a desire or a dream for their consumers compared with 38% who think their brands only cover a necessity. And an impressive 91% would like their brands to meet a desire or a dream, indicating the priority of emotional value of brands.
– 64% of marketing executives acknowledge that a high emotional value of the brand enables them to increase prices without losing market share. 75% say it creates entry barriers to competitors and 86% which is critical when it comes to loyalty and retain customers.
– The experiential and interactive advertising are clearly more effective than traditional advertising to establish emotional links with consumers. The “brand experiences that makes live their consumers” (7.58) and “that consumers communicate the brand to others” (8.28) are more effective in order to create emotional value than “what the brand communicates about itself (6.97). It is also in the experiential and interactive advertising that the largest increases in investment are expected in the coming years.
– Corporate Social Responsibility is part of the corporate values in most companies (90%).