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The royal wedding promises to be one of the events of the decade. Like what was once the wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Di, the magnitude of the event is expected to exceed that of 1981.Visit London estimated that the wedding will bring in to London some 30 to 50 million pounds.
As the chosen date is considerably earlier than the opening of the Olympics Games, it is likely that these 600,000 visitors and more will pack their bags again in 2012. That is to say, London will be at the world´s focus for a good while.
By the way, if you have nothing to wear to this event of the year, here are some chic suggestions in London: for example, for him: go to Savile Row to the best tailors in London (maybe even in Europe?) and for her: bring home a unique hat Selfridges, John Lewis or Harvey Nichols, now that horseracing is back in Spain. Or pamper yourself and go to one of these shops who provide supplies to the Buckingham Palace.
London is in celebration. Its Primer Minister, Cameron, has suggested declaring the wedding as a public holiday.