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MPI (Meeting Professionals International), association for event and meeting professionals, has partially renewed the management committee of its Spain chapter, which just celebrated its first anniversary. The new management committee is formed by:
– President: Eric Mottard, Grupo eventoplus
– President-elect: Guy Bigwood, MCI
– Vice-president of members: Eulalia Ramirez, Sol Melia
– Director of members: Manuel Roldan, ECIS
– Vice-president of training: Felix Albarran, Group Worldspan
– Director of training: Mayte Sabone, Laboratories Lilly
– Vice-president of Communication: Alicia Collantes, Brahler Spain
– Treasurer/sponsorship: Joaquim Sagues, Global Events
– General Secretary: Mercedes Garcia, Barcelona Convention Bureau
In its first year, the association has organised 14 educational events and the members have increased to 140 event and meeting professionals. With this development, “Spain is the country that has had the most rapid growth in MPI’s history in Europe,” according to the association.
More information: www.mpi-spain.org