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Improving corporate reputation is the main objective for which the Spanish companies invest in communications and PR. This aspect has a direct impact on sales, hence its importance for companies. Despite this, it is estimated that the average investment in communication has decreased by 15% since 2003. This is one of the findings of the study “Communication and Public Relations in Spain 2008”, conducted by the PR association ADECEC, in collaboration with Sigma Dos. 102 interviews have been conducted with the largest companies in Spain with a communication department, and 105 interviews with communications agencies.
Deriving from this interest in achieving optimal corporate reputation, 8 out of 10 companies have a department of internal communication and half of them hire one or more agencies specialised in specific areas. In addition to developing corporate communications, these departments are in charge of media relations, event organisation and internal communication, while functions like audit, strategic advice and support in crisis management are usually outsourced to agencies, as well as the design of materials and presence at trade shows.