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The online sustainability tool Eventsost is launched

The online sustainability tool Eventsost is launched

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What is ‘NetZero Events’, the international commitment of the MICE industry? What do ChatGPT and artificial intelligence for events mean? Companies still far from defining sustainability targets in MICE
 Sustainability, fine, but how do I get going ? What is there beyond sending my invitations by email? To help the industry understand and implement more sustainable events and meetings, here comes eventsost, a free, comprehensive online platform, launched by Ephymera Sustainability. Time to "walk the talk"?

With the support of major industry associations (Club for Excellence in Events, GMIC , MPI, OPC Spain, ADEAZA , Marketing Association of Spain) and specialized institutions in sustainability (Ecodes , CeroCO2 , Reinspira) as well as ESODE and Grupo eventoplus, the tool was presented on May 7th at the MediaLab Prado (with the support of Madrid Destino).

The tool Eventsost, the result of no less than a year of preparation and development, arrives in a market that has heard of sustainability in events for years… but probably is still left with a blurred vision of what it is and how to get it underway.

Alberto Gomez of Ephymera explained Eventsost. The tool, free of charge, can be defined as a partner / coach on the journey towards more sustainable events. It allows to evaluate your event organization following no less than 18 types of components (transportation, gifts, food and beverage, accessibility, etc.) for which, through a system of closed questions, the online tool says if things are sustainable or not.

Beyond assessing the value of eventsost is especially in training: it tells the organizer what they can improve, and gives practical advice for each part of the organization. The idea? You organize, enter your data, see what you can improve, put these improvements in place, re-enter the data into the tool… and gradually implement a more sustainable way of organizing.

Beyond that accompany the process of organization, eventsost enters the field of certification, from a free “self-certification” to two types of certification fee to audit by professionals of Ephymera. This certification can be done at the company level, at product level, for venues, or of course for events. And the best thing: when many events have been entered in the system, eventsost will provide statistics of what is done / not done in terms of sustainability.

It remains to see the pace of acceptance, but the industry already has a tool to walk the talk!


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