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What was created in 2006 as a one-time event has been converted into a discussion forum today with speakers from anywhere in the world to debate on communication and branding. This was the evolution of Rethink.
“In this third edition, we try to give a holistic vision on the different ways to access to the consumer and to get their attention, and we want to especially, emphasise the importance of women in the purchase process of consumer goods,” announced Jose Guerrero, the President of Associació Empresarial of Publicitat in the press conference.
Some of the speakers are the consultants and researchers of the feminine market, such as Marie Lou Quinlann, CEO of “Just ask to woman”. Other speakers who be presenting on different topics include the Hindu Shripad Nadkarni on “the branding strategy”; Josst Van Nispen on “8 keys of the success in Direct Marketing”; Gemma Cernuda on “where is your brand? Discover it”; ángel Arrese from the Navarra University and expert in Dual Marketing; and Oscar Jamhouri will be presenting on “the valuation and integral measurement of the communication.”
Rethink the Basis of Communication will be held on 5th and 6th March 2008 in the new ONCE corporate building in Barcelona.