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21 entertainment & activities providers found with: en Cádiz

In Cádiz, blend light and culture for your event with team building on golden beaches and gamification in historic streets. We customize every detail to capture the essence of Andalusia, making your celebration in Cádiz an unforgettable experience filled with magic.

En eventoplus, seleccionamos los mejores proveedores para que te ayuden a organizar tus eventos fácilmente.

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Image of GloboTur
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Fly in a hot air balloon and enjoy landscapes like you have never seen before.

Team Activities for companies
Image of TOTALISIMO (Madrid, Barcelona & Málaga)
Photo of TOTALISIMO (Madrid, Barcelona & Málaga) 1
Photo of TOTALISIMO (Madrid, Barcelona & Málaga) 2
Photo of TOTALISIMO (Madrid, Barcelona & Málaga) 3
Photo of TOTALISIMO (Madrid, Barcelona & Málaga) 4
Photo of TOTALISIMO (Madrid, Barcelona & Málaga) 5
Photo of TOTALISIMO (Madrid, Barcelona & Málaga) 6
Photo of TOTALISIMO (Madrid, Barcelona & Málaga) 7
Photo of TOTALISIMO (Madrid, Barcelona & Málaga) 8
Photo of TOTALISIMO (Madrid, Barcelona & Málaga) 9
Photo of TOTALISIMO (Madrid, Barcelona & Málaga) 10
Photo of TOTALISIMO (Madrid, Barcelona & Málaga) 11
Photo of TOTALISIMO (Madrid, Barcelona & Málaga) 12
Photo of TOTALISIMO (Madrid, Barcelona & Málaga) 13
Photo of TOTALISIMO (Madrid, Barcelona & Málaga) 14
Photo of TOTALISIMO (Madrid, Barcelona & Málaga) 15
Photo of TOTALISIMO (Madrid, Barcelona & Málaga) 16
Photo of TOTALISIMO (Madrid, Barcelona & Málaga) 17
Photo of TOTALISIMO (Madrid, Barcelona & Málaga) 18

Complete service in the organization and animation of all kinds of events.

Fun activities and Animation companies for events Talents, artists, celebrities Team Activities for companies
Image of AndresKó – Bubble Artist
Photo of AndresKó – Bubble Artist 1
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Photo of AndresKó – Bubble Artist 16

Immerse yourself in the ephemeral art and poetry of bubbles and let yourself be captivated by their charm.

Talents, artists, celebrities

Our South is waiting for you.

Team Activities for companies
Imagen de Creativando

Con más de 25 años de experiencia, somos líderes en la gestión y organización de eventos gracias a nuestros acuerdos y contactos con las principales empresas del sector.

Gamification and business games
Imagen de Sur Sound Records

Somos un sello discográfico, productora audiovisual, productora musical y una promotora de conciertos de diversos artistas del panorama nacional. Nuestra filosofía es apoyar a jóvenes talentos a grabar sus composiciones y lanzarlas a través de los diferentes medios, tanto en radio, televisión, como en plataformas digitales. Además somos management de artistas y también promotores de conciertos. Desde Cádiz trabajamos en el resto de España.Sur Sound Records, cuenta además con compositores, letristas y músicos dispuestos a trabajar en los distintos proyectos que se nos presentan, manteniendo unos mínimos de calidad y de experiencia exigibles a un trabajo de esta categoría.Somos productora audiovisual de programas de TV, en la actualidad inmersos en el programa “Soleá” que producimos y realizamos para televisiones locales de Andalucía.Hemos ampliado nuestros servicios como productora audiovisual a la realización de vídeos corporativos de empresa, etc…

Musicians,Singers & DJ´s for meetings and events
Image of Quicksail
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Quicksail®, somos la empresa líder en organización de eventos corporativos náuticos y actividades de team building para empresas en el mar. Ofrecemos servicio en todo el marco de la costa levantina: Barcelona, Valencia, Alicante y Málaga, con propuestas innovadoras como la regata corporativa o nuestro exclusivo cluedo a bordo. Opciones experienciales que se recuerdan siempre.

Team Activities for companies
Image of Multiaventura Buendía
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Activities for companies and team building incentives.

Team Activities for companies
Image of eventoDivertido
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360 videos, photo booths with WhatsApp…We entertain events with eye-catching and memorable products that offer a unique experience for attendees. We entertain events…

Fun activities and Animation companies for events
Image of Lumentium
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Lumentium is a team of professionals that focuses on creating corporate dinners where technology and fine dining are mixed in the same space.

Show agencies for events
Image of 360XPLORE
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Photo of 360XPLORE 4
Photo of 360XPLORE 5

The heart of the experience, what you will remember most. It is where we put the most care, pampering the details and personalising 100% of the experience.

Team Activities for companies
Image of Authentic Haka Experience
Photo of Authentic Haka Experience 1
Photo of Authentic Haka Experience 2
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Photo of Authentic Haka Experience 10

Authentic Haka Experience… a fun, unique and energetic team building experience.

Team Activities for companies
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