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K_ _2 Audiovisual

Organise your event with K_ _2 Audiovisual

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Contact person: Carlos de Caceres

Balmes 297 ppal 2 A, Barcelona

Technical services y Design, Decoration & Set-up services for your event in España


K_ _2 Audiovisual is key to create any event, from large scale to most exclusive. Its experience, internationality, power and career bring the opportunity to develop excellent projects in a wide range of fields, such as sports, cultural, professional, corporate, private, commercial, etc.

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Ask for a quotation

If you need a budget of K_ _2 Audiovisual, complete the following form so they can contact you and help you with your event

Our key services

K_ _2 Audiovisual is key to create any event, from large scale to most exclusive. Its experience, internationality, power and career bring the opportunity to develop excellent projects in a wide range of fields, such as sports, cultural, professional, corporate, private, commercial, etc.

Are you looking for the key to success?

K_ _2 Audiovisual works with the highest level of service and attention to detail in a seamlessly and timely manner. We have the equipment and expertise to create engaging and captivating experiences, no matter the size and the complexity of your event. Many global brands and companies have trusted us, including the agencies of Huawei, Xiaomi, Oppo, Fitur, FC Barcelona, among other international entities. K_ _2 Audiovisual is key to achieve the most outstanding, creative, innovative and memorable event. We are key to support customer wishes from the beginning till the end, providing reliability and proactivity above all. K_ _2 is key to offer a specialized and experienced team, ideal for carrying out any technical work using top quality equipment ensuring the best result.