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Principal de Azafatas

Organise your event with Principal de Azafatas

Professional/Staff services for your event in Valencia

Our more than 15 years of experience with a large number of national and international brands, enable us to offer you “people for your brand”.

Photo of Principal de Azafatas 1
Photo of Principal de Azafatas 1

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If you need a budget of Principal de Azafatas, complete the following form so they can contact you and help you with your event

From “Principal” we implement the promotional strategy of your brand or company through people, anytime as active and proactive agents endowed with intelligence, creativity and business skills.

This human approach helps us to successfully approach the different publics and acts in which we are a part, giving special importance to the training of our staff in the knowledge of the brand that represents and the objectives marked for each event.


Principal de Azafatas specializes in event services in the following categories:

Agencies outstanding.

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