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Organise your event with Servace

Professional/Staff services for your event in Vizcaya

At Servace we put ourselves in your place and we are aware of the importance of the corporate image for each company. Therefore, we select the appropriate hostesses and hostesses for each professional profile, offering an effective, professional and quality service. In addition, we have continuous training programs with the aim of offering the highest excellence in all our features.

Photo of Servace 1
Photo of Servace 1

Ask for a quotation

If you need a budget of Servace, complete the following form so they can contact you and help you with your event

Servace’s image hostesses and hostesses form a qualified and trained team, providing solutions and responses to our clients at any event, meeting or congress they hold. In addition to having an elegant image with knowledge of languages, our hostesses and hostesses offer a service characterized by their seriousness and professionalism.


Servace specializes in event services in the following categories:
