58 spaces found with: Auditoriums, cinemas & theatres
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Press hereOne of the most representative buildings in Barcelona.
Espacios para eventos corporativos la mejor zona del centro de Madrid
Spaces equipped with real-time streaming technology and advanced videoconferencing systems that enable online participation ensuring seamless connectivity and a participatory experience for both in-person and remote attendees.
L´Auditori in Barcelona has several rooms with different capacities for all kinds of events and corporate events.
The place for your events.
The Autonomous University of Barcelona welcomes you to its campus and all its services. You will find a young, dynamic and professional environment in an ideal environment for all kinds of activities: congresses, conventions, meetings, social events and summer campuses. We put our experience to your …
Congress and Convention Centre, concert halls in Barcelona Center (shopping center L|Illa Diagonal).
Magical spaces to celebrate an unforgettable event.
Emblematic Theater in the center of Madrid
Emblematic Theater in the center of Madrid
Auditorio Palau de Congresos de Barcelona – The venue of choice for big events in Barcelona
Nissan Cartuja Auditorium is a multidisciplinary space with the capacity to host any type of corporate event in its facilities.
The Venues Guide is a practical and visual directory.
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