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Casa Aurelio

Organise your event in Casa Aurelio

Location Centro de la ciudad

Your event space in Toledo

The undoubted quality of the genuine and well-cooked products and the presence of traditional dishes such as the Red Partridge of the Montes de Toledo, the vegetables from the Vega del Tajo, the roasts, the beef loin to the brick, the fish and their sauces and the cult-we believe that M Erecido-A certain preserves of renown, have given a prestige to this modest house of meals that, over the years, has become a benchmark for the city of Toledo and a charismatic place for its clientele.

The house and its founder, Aurelio Montero, have recognized his career with several awards and highlighted his professional work at different times and situations, being also his services requested by some of the most recognized institutions of our Country.

The establishment is recommended as one of the best in the city of Toledo, and this is reflected in all the tourist guides and is referenced in the numerous lists of “essential restaurants” all over the world.

Photo of Casa Aurelio 1
Photo of Casa Aurelio 1

Ask for a quotation

If you need a space for events in Toledo pide request a quote from Casa Aurelio, complete the following form so they can get in touch with you and assist with your event.

Location Toledo

The enclave is overwhelming and daily coveted by visitors and tourists. It is located a few twenty meters from the town council, building erected in the 16th and 17th centuries according to the initial traces of Juan Herrera, and in its vicinity extends the large esplanade of the square, flanked by the Gothic jewel of the cathedral primate And the Archbishop’s palace.

At Casa Aurelio City Hall, the perfectionist and clearly innovative vision of its founder made Conviviesens, shrimps and excellent fish with the best red meats and roasts, vegetables and stews, which have given so much fame to the house.

Today it is a restaurant that has open the lower floor, with capacity for about 40 people, in a comfortable and warm space, forming a scenario of pleasant compositions in which they combine soft colors, in shades of copper and blue.

Warmth in textures, landscapes and still lifes that recall its origin and meeting place: Toledo.

A complete wine list and a wide and rich selection of tapas, menus and personalized options that seek to offer the customer exactly what you want to eat or dine at that time.

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