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Hotel Dolce Sitges

Organise your event in Hotel Dolce Sitges

Maximum capacity 499 pax

Location A las afueras

Relevant information


Contact person: Babette

Av. Camí de Miralpeix, 12, Sitges, Barcelona

Your event space in Barcelona

With more than 2,175 m2 of event space, 26 meeting rooms, permanent coffee break service, and the best professionals, at Dolce Sitges, a recently renovated hotel with 263 rooms, 4 swimming pools, 3 restaurants, 3 bars, and a Spa we organize successfully and customized all kinds of meetings.

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Ask for a quotation

If you need a space for events in Barcelona pide request a quote from Hotel Dolce Sitges, complete the following form so they can get in touch with you and assist with your event.

Maximum capacity 499 pax

Location Barcelona

Our professionals take care of every little detail to ensure that your event is a success. A diaphanous and comfortable space for your guests that includes a permanent coffee break service without time restrictions and a wide variety of drinks, healthy snacks and Meals. A climate that offers 300 days of sunshine a year, the ideal environment for all kinds of events. Choose from a variety of indoor and outdoor spaces with terraces that share a panoramic view of the Mediterranean Sea. From unleashing your creativity, Dolce Sitges offers you unlimited possibilities to personalize your Event.

NombreNombreSuperficieSuperficieAlturaAlturaDimensionesDimensionesBanqueteBanqueteCocktailCóctelTipo UForma UEscuelaEscuelaTeatroTeatroImperialImperialCabaretCabaretSalaVer sala

Permanent Nourishment Hub. 
