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La Llotja de Mar

Organise your event in La Llotja de Mar

Maximum capacity 710 pax

Larger room capacity 640 pax

Distance city centre 1 km

Relevant information


Contact person: Cristina Ymbern

Paseo de Isabel II, 1, Barcelona, Barcelona

Your event space in Barcelona

La Llotja de Mar

Every year, this elegant space hosts the major events of important national and international firms from the world of finance, sport, the pharmaceutical industry, the automotive industry and services.

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Ask for a quotation

If you need a space for events in Barcelona pide request a quote from La Llotja de Mar, complete the following form so they can get in touch with you and assist with your event.

Maximum capacity 710 pax

Larger room capacity 640 pax

Location 1 km

The Casa Llotja de Mar, with its corporate headquarter in the Chamber of Commerce Barcelona, is one of the most emblematic buildings in Barcelona. A singular space located opposite the city’s maritime, it was built in the XIV century and was expanded in the SVIII century. Its charm, comfort and the distinction of its rooms, such as the Contrataciones, is considered as one of the best example of civil Gothic Mediterranean and one of the greatest attraction this architectural treasure. Its walls, dominated by majestic arches with medieval origin has become one of the favorite meeting point for companies and personalities, who have selected this incomparable place for their congresses, presentations, corporate sessions, receptions and gala dinners.

A unique space located on the city’s seafront, it was built in the 14th century and extended in the 18th century. The charm, comfort and distinction of its halls, including the Hiring Hall, considered one of the finest examples of Mediterranean civil Gothic architecture, is one of the great attractions of this architectural treasure.

Its walls, presided over by majestic arches of medieval origin, have become a sought-after meeting point for companies and personalities, who choose this incomparable setting for their congresses, presentations, business conferences, receptions or gala dinners.

Meetings and conferences

Any company needs to hold its meetings and conferences in a venue worthy of its nature. If you want to bring your employees and professionals together for a commemorative event where you need to be heard loud and clear, don’t hesitate to book one of our meeting rooms.

Preparing an event like this requires the professionalism and majesty of La Llotja de Mar’s spaces. Don’t hesitate any longer and book the room that suits you best for your professional meeting.

  • Our spaces
  • Recruitment Hall
  • Consuls Room
  • Golden Room
  • Lions Lounge
  • Consulate Lounge
  • Plenary Hall
  • Courtyard and Staircase of Honour
  • Lucrezia Hall
  • Get inspired

Major fashion brands such as Mango or Pronovias, luxurious brands such as Cartier or Prada, have trusted Casa Llotja de Mar for their presentation of their latest collections and the celebration of their exclusive events.

NombreNombreSuperficieSuperficieAlturaAlturaDimensionesDimensionesBanqueteBanqueteCocktailCóctelTipo UForma UEscuelaEscuelaTeatroTeatroImperialImperialCabaretCabaretSalaVer sala
Salón de Contrataciones709430640537
Salón de Cónsules726275275
Salón Dorado202120170170
Salón de los Leones1608010075
Salón del Consulado792525
Salón del Pleno148105
Patio y Escalera de honor649400
Salón Lucrecia8742
Sala VIP 4110

Space Guide
