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Occidental Aranjuez

Organise your event in Occidental Aranjuez

Maximum capacity 1.060 pax

Larger room capacity 840 pax

Distance city centre 41 km

Relevant information


Contact person: Dpto. Comercial Contratación

Plaza de la Unesco, 2, Aranjuez, Madrid

Your event space in Madrid

Occidental Aranjuez

Occidental Aranjuez

The Occidental Aranjuez Hotel for conventions and events has conference rooms for up to 1,060 people. In our business facilities you will find 2 large rooms of 840 m2 and 220 m2 that can be divided into 6 rooms of 120 m2 or 3 rooms of 60 m2 respectively.

Photo of Occidental Aranjuez 1
Photo of Occidental Aranjuez 2
Photo of Occidental Aranjuez 3
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Photo of Occidental Aranjuez 1
Photo of Occidental Aranjuez 2
Photo of Occidental Aranjuez 3
Photo of Occidental Aranjuez 4
Photo of Occidental Aranjuez 5
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Photo of Occidental Aranjuez 7
Photo of Occidental Aranjuez 8
Hotel of 4 stars

Ask for a quotation

If you need a space for events in Madrid pide request a quote from Occidental Aranjuez, complete the following form so they can get in touch with you and assist with your event.

Maximum capacity 1.060 pax

Larger room capacity 840 pax

Location 41 km

To your event we have: Gardens of Aranjuez: Large hall of 840 m2 divisible up to 6 rooms of 120 m2 each and with a ceiling height of up to 4.50 m. In its design has a large wall of windows that give access to a terrace where you can make a nice coffee break or where to introduce in the rooms even vehicles. Aranjuez 7 + 8 + 9: Lounge of 220 m2 divisible up to 3 rooms of 60 m2 each also with access to a terrace where you can make a pleasant coffee break or where to introduce in the rooms even vehicles. All rooms have natural light and are equipped with audiovisual technologies. In addition, they are completely diaphanous and allow access to a large terrace of 480 m2. Perfect place to events.

NombreNombreSuperficieSuperficieAlturaAlturaDimensionesDimensionesBanqueteBanqueteCocktailCóctelTipo UForma UEscuelaEscuelaTeatroTeatroImperialImperialCabaretCabaretSalaVer sala
La Isla1204.506012025601153040

Audiovisuales incluidos: pantalla, flipchart y material básico.

Oñate Extras:

Audiovisuales incluidos: pantalla, flipchart y material básico.

Los jardines

Audiovisuales incluidos: pantalla, flipchart y material básico.

Aranjuez 1 Extras:

Audiovisuales incluidos: pantalla, flipchart y material básico.

Aranjuez 260440602030602528
Sala 360440602030602528
Los Aranjuez2184150218601202187090
Sala Business Extras:

Audiovisuales incluidos: TV, flipchart y material básico.


Space Guide
