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Palau de la Música i Congressos de València

Organise your event in Palau de la Música i Congressos de València

Maximum capacity 420 pax

Location Centro de la ciudad

Your event space in Valencia

The Congress area is that other side of the auditorium, less well known, but that makes it possible for our spaces to be constantly open to reinventing themselves and hosting different manifestations. In practice, the great technical equipment of the different rooms allows to make real the will to be a Palau open to all disciplines, as well as host of conferences, seminars, conventions and other events that fill the city with life.

Photo of Palau de la Música i Congressos de València 1
Photo of Palau de la Música i Congressos de València 1

Ask for a quotation

If you need a space for events in Valencia pide request a quote from Palau de la Música i Congressos de València, complete the following form so they can get in touch with you and assist with your event.

Maximum capacity 420 pax

Location Valencia

 The Congress area is that other side of the auditorium, less well known, but that makes it possible for our spaces to be constantly open to reinventing themselves and hosting different manifestations. In practice, the great technical equipment of the different rooms allows to make real the will to be a Palau open to all disciplines, as well as host of conferences, seminars, conventions and other events that fill the city with life.


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