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Restaurante Ovillo

Organise your event in Restaurante Ovillo

Maximum capacity 240 pax

Distance city centre 16 km

Relevant information


Contact person: Daniel Hurtado

Pantoja, núm. 8, Madrid, Madrid

Your event space in Madrid

Restaurante Ovillo

What was once a leather goods factory, which produced leather bags for luxury firms, has been transformed into a restaurant posed as an almost open space, which mixes its industrial past with a warm interior design with tables with tablecloths up to the floor, skylights on the ceiling, mirrors purchased in El Rastro, chandeliers

Photo of Restaurante Ovillo 1
Photo of Restaurante Ovillo 2
Photo of Restaurante Ovillo 3
Photo of Restaurante Ovillo 4
Photo of Restaurante Ovillo 1
Photo of Restaurante Ovillo 2
Photo of Restaurante Ovillo 3
Photo of Restaurante Ovillo 4
Photo of Restaurante Ovillo 5

Ask for a quotation

If you need a space for events in Madrid pide request a quote from Restaurante Ovillo, complete the following form so they can get in touch with you and assist with your event.

Maximum capacity 240 pax

Location 16 km

Restaurant with a bar area and a restaurant room. An event area is also available.

Count on us and our spaces for the organization of your event.

The kitchen has a classic international approach, starting from seasonal products throughout the menu. It will reflect the knowledge, talent and personal journey of the Madrid chef, specially designed to make you enjoy.
It also has a careful selection of wines that have been selected hand in hand with the sommelier Javier Arroyo, with the idea of showing a set of experiences lived by the Chef.

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