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WiZink Center

Organise your event in WiZink Center

Maximum capacity 4 pax

Larger room capacity 4.100 pax

Your event space in Madrid

WiZink Center is a multiple-purpose venue that hosts different kind of events: corporative ones, sports ones, concerts, family shows, filming, premiers and award ceremonies.

Photo of WiZink Center 1
Photo of WiZink Center 1

Ask for a quotation

If you need a space for events in Madrid pide request a quote from WiZink Center, complete the following form so they can get in touch with you and assist with your event.

Maximum capacity 4 pax

Larger room capacity 4.100 pax

Location Madrid

It is characterized for the excellent location. It has a 4.250 mts2 floor that allows different configurations providing a big versatility to the site, as well as VIP Rooms with separate access. The track has retractable grandstands that allows to vary the configuration, LED lighting, central hub. singular space to organize events. 

WiZink Center is the Worlwide Ticket Sales Top 200 Arena Venues In the venue are organized all type of events: Corporative Events : Salón mi Empresa, Mary Kay, Mapfre, El Mundo, Expansión, Repsol, Telefónica, Cybercamp

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